EN – Kairós
KAIRÓS is a team of committed professionals with a recognised trajectory in the world of education that works with Governments, Universities and Institutions to carry out processes of educational innovation and transformation.
We are committed to supporting and encouraging the changes that are urgently needed in education, for which we work with the authorities, management teams, researchers, teachers, students, communities and peoples of the world in response to the new challenges that education faces to be effectively a key factor of sustainable development.
Kairós is recognized and has prestige at an international level as an alternative to carry out educational processes to face the challenges of the 21st century, promoting the people and groups to develop personally and professionally, through an education relevant, quality and service to build a diverse humanity.
To contribute from the transformation of education to the global economic and social development and countries, making people the protagonists of their life processes and their destiny, with values and capacities to be promoters of social change and sustainable development.
- To promote a global movement for the transformation of education.
- To constitute a global forum for discussion, analysis, study and proposals on the future of education in the world, in regions, in nations, in communities and peoples
- Contribute to the design and implementation of public policies: global, regional and national in education and sustainable development.
- Promote education as a pillar for social, economic, labour and business change, of the community, the country and the world from the criterion of sustainability.
- Commit to relevant and quality education, intercultural and inclusive, focused on the challenges of the 21st century for all students from the equality of opportunities and non-discrimination.
- Favour a strategy that empowers all educational actors as protagonists of change (schools, teachers, students, families, communities, etc.)
- To make a contribution to the strengthening of the pillars of education and their adaptation to the realities of the 21st century (learning to be, to know, to do and to live together).
- To promote an education focused on the learning and needs of the student.
- Promote a quality education for all, an education that takes advantage of and applies technological, didactic and pedagogical innovations to ensure that no student is left behind.
- Support educational planning and evaluation processes
- To identify and spread the key labour competences for the 21st century that allow all people from their own perspectives, without any distinction, to reach their maximum potential from the development of creativity, innovation, leadership and entrepreneurship through a model of learning their competences.
- To help each person reach the best version of himself, materializing his life project, contributing to the development of his community, his people, his country and the world.
- Redesign the objectives of education based on logic: a student / a talent to be cultivated / a vital project to be built and put into practice.

Principles and values
- Knowledge, education, science, technology, art, culture, sport and the dialogue of knowledge in a multi-ethnic, multicultural and multilingual world must be the basis, in this new era, mainly post coronavirus, for the construction of a new society where peace, justice, equity and equality, solidarity and sustainability prevail.
- Exchange, relations and international cooperation must be aimed at reducing the current gap between regions, and within regions and countries, on the basis of solidarity, respect for diversity and sustainability.
- Education must be inclusive and the fundamental means for the full realization and development with justice, dignity, respect, prosperity and good living of individuals, families, communities, peoples, countries, regions and the entire world.
- We reaffirm the postulate that education is a social public good, a human and universal right, a responsibility of all actors involved and a duty of States.
- From KAIROS, we endorse the postulates of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on freedom, equality and human dignity, so, as not to leave any person back, as well as the principles and declarations of Education promoted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) those set out in the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and, in particular, Goal 4.: "Ensure inclusive, equitable and quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. We further recognize the cultural diversity of peoples and the need to seek appropriate educational solutions to the social, environmental and economic conditions of each context.”
Value proposition
KAIRÓS is an organization made up of education professionals with a solid social commitment to contribute to educational innovation and transformation, without ideological or political ends, where the crucial issues of education and sustainable development.
To participate in KAIRÓS is, consequently, to join the world of ideas and concrete actions to generate a scientific, technological, ethical and responsible contribution to education for the sustainable development of humanity.

Enhancing science, technology and knowledge to build a better society
The Technological Revolution and the Fourth Industrial Revolution are a present reality and have benefits and risks. If we do not empower them for good, to build a new and better society for all, there are those who are already using it, and they will do more efficiently every day, to make prevail and expand a model of injustice, inequality and exclusion to produce and use means of threat, death and destruction.
As Kairós, we are committed to work at a macro and micro level, at an international, national, regional, community and institutional level to promote knowledge, education, science, technology, art, culture, sports and knowledge to build, to preserve and improve life, to live well, to build a better society for all. In order to move forward in that direction, in this changing era, it is necessary to transform education as a fundamental means for the full realization and development with justice, dignity, respect, prosperity and good living of individuals, families, communities, peoples, countries, regions and the whole world.
Central themes
1. To respond to the new realities of the technological revolution
2. An educational Plan to face the challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Our work integrates a set of actions tending to the development of new activities, jobs and skills related to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, including reinventing the educational space of the classroom and breaking down its walls, adapting to the new ways of learning, producing and working that embodies the concept of "SkillFabLab" that we promote.
3. A new education committed to the development of our countries to address the new needs of the economy, production, work and sustainable development, according to the projections of their transformation.
4. A change of paradigm capable of responding to the challenges of education
The paradigm shift is based on a change in the role of the teacher, moving from the teaching to learning, refounding and redesigning the educational curriculum, reducing poverty and inequalities, learning a new system of key competences for 21st century (soft skills, generic competencies, creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship and leadership). A new mission based on helping each person and/or group to build his or her vital project. And all this from a radical rethinking of the educational curriculum: What to teach? How to teach? Where to teach? With what to teach? When to teach? Why teach? What, how and when to evaluate? And Who evaluates? among other questions..
5. An education to create material and immaterial wealth in the service of social justice and equal opportunities
6. A new education based on knowledge, know-how, techniques, and information and data as fundamental material.
7. The whole challenge is to produce in a massively, openly and democratically way creative, innovative, enterprising and leading people.
All this involves new ways of learning, creating learning communities and new technologies, open and inclusive models. Above all, a plan to train massively all people in order to mass-produce creative, innovative, enterprising and leading people.
8. We have developed a method for training teachers and students in the key competencies set out in educational laws, which serve, among other things, the development of creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship and leadership.
For the learning of the key competences, first by the teachers, and then by the students, we have designed the MODEL 6-9, a method to work on the 15 competences through which the rest of the ones stated in the educational laws can be developed.
A model that consists pedagogically of tools, resources and materials for the teaching staff training by which students can also be trained.
9. The objective of the educational proposal is to accompany each student in order to build his or her vital project around a new learning itinerary, using the MOOC modality.
And, all of that, while the students work on the development of their Life Project from the following logic: discovery of the element, the vocation and the talent of each student, creation of the vision, connection of their vision with a great challenge of humanity, elaboration of a prototype, learning with sense and criterion, emotional management, establishment of phases and stages, creation of a team and coordination of tasks, evaluation of the progress.
10. Organization of the Plan from the Project Based Learning methodology (ABP).
- Active Learning
- Authentic Learning
- Research- Based Learning
- Problem-Based Learning
- Challenge Based Learning
- Collaborative Learning
- Flexible Learning
- Flipped Learning
- Experiential Learning
- Service-learning
- Learning Based on Connectivism
- Constructionist Learning
- Self-organized learning
- Learning in Makers Spaces
- Game-Based learning (gamification)
- Learning from Mentoring
- Peer learning
- Case-Based Learning
11. A Plan to re-signify education by strengthening the role of schools, teachers, the community and its empowerment to lead the new education.
The role of the teacher is the key to produce the educational transformation, a teacher who helps the student to be, to build the best version of himself from the following questions: Who are you? What can you offer to others? Who do you want to become?
For its part, the community is the social, cultural and economic laboratory, which in turn must build its collective life project, in coordination with the educational institutions to become the space where students carry out their construction practice.
12. Areas of work addressed by the Plan and in educational centres, teachers and students are the protagonists.
- Working with the student the ability to ask himself questions
- Open the permit space on the student to dare to leave his comfort zone
- Learning to discover possibilities
- Building trust
- Cultivate the ability to be amazed and sensitivity
- Building a reputation
- Developing emotional intelligence
- Developing critical thinking and personal autonomy
- Learning to learn and doing it throughout life
- Learning to innovate
- Working on the principles and values of peace and democracy
- Mastery of technologies and methodologies non-presence (MOOC 3.0)
- Cultivation of sensitivity
- Producing quality and impeccability
- Coordinate actions and work with others
- Developing the fundamentals of philosophy of language (mastery of linguistic, biological and emotional)
- Development of sense and criteria
- Focus on learning
- Focus on the spiritual values of the students
- Orientation to the future of work, vocations and the careers of the students
- Managing elaborated codes and invisible learning
- Development of creativity
- Learning to lead
- Making decisions
- Improving employability
- Professional orientation
- Building an effective resume
- Adaptation to the needs of the labour market and the community
- Ability to set goals
- Identify resources and combine them
- Designing personal identity and reputation of the student
- Learning to think and act big
- Developing strategic thinking
- Learning to plan and schedule
- Developing authority by example
- Work on trust building
- Developing creative capacity
- Creating a sense of legacy
- Learning to collaborate and cooperate
- Learning to listen
- Learning to make offers
- Learning to lead
- Learning to make informed judgments
Kairós coordinator team
Kairós members
Richard Gerver es ponente habitual del Global Education Forum (GEF), un espacio de debate sobre el futuro de la enseñanza que organizan cada año la Institución Educativa SEK y la Universidad Camilo José Cela, con el fin de suscitar un amplio debate social sobre el futuro de la enseñanza. Gerver ha trabajado para la UNESCO y es colaborador de medios como The Times, The Daily Telegraph o la BBC, entre otros. Su libro de 2009, Creando hoy las escuelas de mañana, es considerado una obra de referencia.
Miembros de Kairós
Richard Gerver es ponente habitual del Global Education Forum (GEF), un espacio de debate sobre el futuro de la enseñanza que organizan cada año la Institución Educativa SEK y la Universidad Camilo José Cela, con el fin de suscitar un amplio debate social sobre el futuro de la enseñanza. Gerver ha trabajado para la UNESCO y es colaborador de medios como The Times, The Daily Telegraph o la BBC, entre otros. Su libro de 2009, Creando hoy las escuelas de mañana, es considerado una obra de referencia.

Federico Mayor Zaragoza
Científico, académico, político, diplomático y poeta. Director General de la UNESCO desde 1987 hasta 1999. Actualmente es Presidente de la Fundación para una Cultura de Paz y miembro de la Junta Honoraria del Decenio Internacional para la Promoción de una Cultura de Paz y No Violencia para el Children of the World, así como Presidente honorario de la Académie de la Paix. Miembro de la Comisión Internacional de la Carta de la Tierra y Presidente del Consejo Científico de la Fundación Ramón Areces. Fue Ministro de Educación y Ciencia del Gobierno de España y Diputado en el Parlamento Europeo.

Richard Gerver es profesor y un reconocido ponente, experto en liderazgo y cambio organizativo. Ocupó el cargo de director de la Escuela Primaria Grange en una época en la que se transformó su modelo educativo hasta convertirla en una de las escuelas más innovadoras del mundo. Ha sido asesor de política educativa del Gobierno británico, fundamentalmente en lo que se refiere a la definición del cambio en la escuela para el Siglo XXI. Ganador del Premio Nacional de Enseñanza en el Reino Unido, está considerado como uno de los líderes educativos más innovadores e inspiradores de nuestro tiempo.
Richard Gerver es ponente habitual del Global Education Forum (GEF), un espacio de debate sobre el futuro de la enseñanza que organizan cada año la Institución Educativa SEK y la Universidad Camilo José Cela, con el fin de suscitar un amplio debate social sobre el futuro de la enseñanza. Gerver ha trabajado para la UNESCO y es colaborador de medios como The Times, The Daily Telegraph o la BBC, entre otros. Su libro de 2009, Creando hoy las escuelas de mañana, es considerado una obra de referencia.
Experiencia profesional:
Negoció y moderó en 1993 el primer debate electoral televisado entre José María Aznar y Felipe González celebrado en Antena 3. Ha dirigido y moderado los primeros Debates Presidencial 'Cara a Cara'. En 2008 negoció los dos debates electorales entre José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero y Mariano Rajoy como Presidente de la Academia de Televisión. Moderador del primero de ellos. En 2011 organizó y moderó el único debate electoral televisado entre Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba y Mariano Rajoy. Emitido por la Academia de TV como señal institucional. En 2015 organizó y moderó uno de los debates electorales televisados entre Mariano Rajoy y Pedro Sánchez. Emitido por la Academia de TV como señal institucional. En 2016 organizó y dirigió el Debate en las elecciones del 26 de Junio entre Mariano Rajoy, Pedro Sánchez, Albert Rivera y Pablo Iglesias. Presentó informativos diarios en TVE 1 de 1983 a 1986 y más tarde el programa “Punto y Aparte”. Dirigió el programa informativo de radio Hora 25 ( Cadena Ser ) 1987-1991. Fue director Antena 3 TV en 1992. En 1995 fue nombrado Vicepresidente, puesto en el que permaneció hasta Julio de 1997. En 1994 creó y fue presidente del Canal Internacional de Antena 3 TV. Creador y director de los programas Generación XXI y Soñadores, dedicados a promover los emprendedores en distintas televisiones españolas. Presidente Emérito de la Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias de la Televisión en España. Dirige y es profesor del Instituto de Comunicación Empresarial. Presidente y profesor de comunicación en Next Educación. Director del Centro de Estudios Superior NEXT (CES NEXT).
Premio Ondas por el programa Punto y aparte en el año 1989. Dos premios TP de Oro, correspondientes a 1985 y 1986 como Mejor Presentador de Informativos. Premio Mejor Comunicador "Pablo Iglesias" 1990. Premio Mejor Programa Línea América de la Asociación de Periodistas Iberoamericanos en España. 1993 Premio "Aragonés de Mérito en Letras" 2011 Premio Ondas compartido por la dirección del programa Hora 25 en el año 2012. Premio Emilio Castelar a la Eficacia Comunicativa. 2012. Premio Fundación Independiente de Periodismo Camilo José Cela por su contribución en el ámbito de la comunicación a fortalecer la sociedad civil en España. Diciembre de 2017.
Líneas de investigación:
“Concentración de poder en el mapa mediático español”.“Emprendedores en la sociedad española”. "El impacto de las noticias falsas en la sociedad digital".
La España Despoblada. Crónicas de emigración, abandono y esperanza. Eres lo que comunicas. La cara oculta de los debates electorales. Adolfo Suárez: el Presidente inesperado de la Transición. ¿Por qué los profesionales no comunicamos mejor? ¿Por qué los españoles comunicamos tan mal? “La transición audiovisual pendiente”. “Confidencias: La TV por dentro”. “Información y Servicios Secretos en el atentado al Presidente Carrero Blanco”. La España que hereda Felipe González. "Simplemente María" y su repercusión en las clases trabajadoras.
Ha ocupado diversos cargos en la Facultad de Economía de la UNAM y entre 2002 al 2010 fue Director de la Facultad de Economía de la misma universidad y actualmente se desempeña como Secretario General de la Unión de Universidades de América Latina y el Caribe. Es autor y coautor de diversos libros, artículos y otras publicaciones académicas.
Ha sido distinguido con los doctorados honoris causa por la Universidad de Piura, Perú (2012) y por la Universidad Católica de los Ángeles de Chimbote (2011). Honrado como Profesor Honorario de la Universidad Le Cordon Blue en la ciudad de Lima, Perú el 14 de agosto de 2013.
Exsecretario General de la Conferencia de Rectores de las Universidades Españolas (CRUE) y exsecretario general del Consejo de Coordinación Universitaria. Actualmente es el responsable de la Organización Sectorial de Educación en el ámbito Universidad. Fue asesor al Gabinete del Presidente del Gobierno, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero. Comisionado del Espacio Iberoamericano de Conocimiento (EIC-SEGIB)
Confianza y equipos. Diplomado en Marketing por la A.M.A. Presidente y fundador de Talentum. Profesor invitado en Escuelas de Negocios como ESADE, DEUSTO, EOI, INCAE en Costa Rica, Fundação Dom Cabral en Brasil. Evaluador del proceso de acreditaciones de coaches de AECOP. Conferenciante, Consejero y Asesor Internacional, ha trabajado con organizaciones públicas y privadas de todo el mundo desde hace más de 30 años. Su trabajo se centra en áreas de conocimiento como la CONFIANZA, cambio, desarrollo directivo… Autor de diversas publicaciones, con más de 400 artículos, y libros entre los que destacan “La nueva dirección de personas”, “Marketing para la formación de Directivos” “Confianza: La clave del éxito personal y empresarial”, “Quien lidera Confía”, “Asunto: Confianza y Compromiso”, “Ganar confianza Coaching para un adolescente” y Empréndela contigo mismo desde la confianza”.
Antes de unirse a Wits, el profesor Kupe fue conferencista en la Universidad de Rhodes entre 1999 y 2001. Se unió a Rhodes de la Universidad de Zimbabue, donde trabajó en varias unidades académicas desde 1988, incluyendo como presidente del Departamento de Inglés, Medios de Comunicación y Estudios de Comunicación.
El profesor Kupe tiene un título de licenciatura en honor y una maestría en inglés de la Universidad de Zimbabue, así como un PhD en Estudios de Medios de la Universidad de Oslo en Noruega.
En diciembre de 2019, el profesor Kupe fue galardonado con un doctorado Honoris Causa en Humanidades por la Universidad Estatal de Michigan (MSU).
Members’ articles